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Shoulder Eyebolts Rated Capacities
ASME B18.15 -2015
Fully Threaded

Plain Eyebolts Rated Capacities
ASME B18.15 -2015
Fully Threaded


When used in a tapped blind hole, the effective thread length shall be at least 1.5 times thread diameter of the bolt for engagement in steel.

When used in an untapped through-hole, the nut under the load shall be fully engaged.
When used in a tapped through-hole of less than one diameter thickness, a nut shall be used under the load and fully engaged and tightened securely against the load.
Eyebolts should be tightened or otherwise secured against rotation during lifting or load handling activities.
Shoulder Eyebolts must be firmly seated and flush against the mating surface; otherwise, the rated capacity is reduced significantly.
When using eyebolts for angular load handling, the plane of the eyebolts shall be aligned with the direction of pull. Steel flat washers may be used under the shoulder to position the plane of the eye.
Eyebolts shall be in good working condition prior to use.
Shock loading should be avoided.
Safety Inspection
Before each use lifting Eyebolts should be inspected and replaced if any of the following is detected:
Obvious Wear
Elongated or Bent Eye Section
Nicks or Gouges
Worn, Corroded, and/or Distorted Threads
Elongated or Bent Shank

TEL : +886-3-497-1088 /
FAX : +886-3-497-0878
ADD : No.205, Shezi Road, 1st Neighborhood, Shezi Village, Xinwu District, Taoyuan City 32746, Taiwan
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